I’m a person who likes structure and a plan. So, I actually struggle a little with the last 2 weeks of the year when the kids are off school and I’m trying to work some, do fun activities with the family, and fit in other projects around the house. Oh, and do my training!
I also started experiencing a wave of grief this week, so that was not fun or helpful. Here’s how it went…
Sunday – I did my workout with McKenzie! We did a 30-minute run together on the track at the gym. We stopped when she wanted to, and I stopped the timer when we did. It was definitely an easy – and fun – 30 minutes. Then we went down to the pool together. Here we both picked a lane and did some swimming. We were in the pool for 40 minutes. = 70 minutes
Monday – I was out at my Mom’s. Ahead of time I contacted a friend who works out at Delnor (in a nearby town) to see if I could get a guest pass there. Looked like I was going to have to spend $25 to use the facility (just add it to my Ironman training tab!!!), yet I was able to use one of her guest passes even though she wasn’t there with me. Yay! I ran for about 15 minutes, then did one of the center’s hour long cycling classes, then ran for another 15 minutes, then did about 10 minutes of arm weights. = 100 minutes
Tuesday – I got a migraine on Monday night. I’m attributing this to stress and grief at being out at my Mom’s (without my Dad – who died last December – physically present). I took my migraine medicine and was able to go out to dinner with the family. However, I was up for a few hours overnight and just needed to sleep in and recover. So I didn’t do the swim at Delnor that I was planning.
Wednesday – Went to the gym and got in my swim. 40 minutes. Then did a 70-minute run. – 110 minutes
Thursday – Christmas eve. Ran with my moms running group! Wore my Santa Hustle obnoxious red shirt and my long red and white stripped socks, because when else can you? 40 minutes. Then later I did a swim session with the kids. Everyone had their own lane. Jake popped up into mine fairly frequently. So, not super consistent or intense, but got it done. I also had a gentleman from another lane ask if I was doing the Total Immersion training program. I told him I had no idea! This seemed like good news that the drills I was doing were recognizable and seemed to be part of a quality approach to swim training that he believed in. (Of course, I figured I following a good approach, since I have a swim instructor – but I like to hear it as often as possible!) He also had some head and arm position advice for me. So, I listened and tried it out. 40 minutes of work complete (even though we were in the pool longer). = 80 minutes
Friday – Christmas! 90-minute bike ride. Was supposed to be a 75-minute ride. Read more about that here. = 90 minutes
Saturday – Off.
TOTAL = 450 minutes = 7.5 hours
Amy, I was thinking about your dad’s anniversary. Hugs, MJ
Thanks Mary Jo! The last 2 weeks of the year presented some challenges. A friend sent me a great article that I’d boil down to this concept: We wouldn’t have big scars, if it wasn’t a big love. So glad I have this big love. 🙂 LOVE to you!