2 weeks ago was a heavy swim week, last week was a heavy run week, and this week was a heavy cycling week! The big week of cycling seemed to go pretty well. You’ve heard me angst over swimming and rave about running, cycling is my neutral Switzerland.
I enjoyed the cycling time this week. It is a little trickier to figure out the logistics. It snowed a little early in the week and then was hovering around 0 with 12 mph winds in the second time of the week, so even though I had visions of doing a least one of these biking sessions outdoors, it didn’t happen. I’m not too comfortable maneuvering on a little bit of frost or slick on the roads and I’m not terribly sure of how much I need to wear to be comfortable in the cold on a bike. So…I did it all indoors.
Sunday – Swim session, a fairly short and easy one.
Wu – 50 right left; 50 side kick; 50 383 shark fin; 50 swim w fists
Workout – 5 x 100; 50% bi, consecutive
Cd – 25 catch ups; 50 kick; 25 catch ups; 50 fins w 8s; 50 right left
= 30 minutes
Monday – Cycling class. I had a software training class to attend all day and a conference coaching call to do before that, so I got up at 5am to do the 5:45am class. This is the earliest I’ve ever gotten to the gym. And, guess what?? The electricity wasn’t on in the cycling studio! And management – with the keys to the appropriate breaker – wasn’t coming in for hours. So…there were 7 of us who – with the door propped open – did the class in the dark with songs playing softly over our instructor’s phone. Making it work! Got 45 minutes in, instead of the planned 60 minutes. But there was only 45 minutes on the plan, so I was a-ok.
In the evening, I did a swim session. Wow, this snuck up on me! 8 x 300 didn’t sound too bad. I didn’t do the math!! This was 2400 = my longest swim session yet!! I was in the water for 1 hour and 50 minutes. I had to move lanes twice as the kid swim team had practice and then as the Masters swim folks started setting themselves up. Yikes! I decided to skip my planned cool down and call it a day. It was good practice swimming with splashing on either side of me.
Wu – 50 right left; 50 shark fin; 50 383 side kick
Workout – 8 x 300; 50% bi (50 bi, 50 right left, etc)
Cd – 50 kick w 8s; 50 catch ups; 50 right left – DIDN’T DO
= 155 minutes
Tuesday – 7am 45-minute cycling class. Up early again! = 45 minutes
Wednesday – 70-minute bike ride at home on the trainer. = 70 minutes
Thursday – On Wednesday afternoon I saw my friend Dana’s name in my contacts as I was going through my database. My friend Dana passed away 2 years ago and for some reason seeing her name this week got me upset and crying for a bit. I emailed my 2 other friends who were best friends with her, and I tried to let the feelings out and process it. Unfortunately, on Thursday morning I was feeling down, dimmed, and tired. I went back to bed. More on that and my process of grieving here.
The plan was to do a 45 minute run, a 1-hour strength class, and a 30 minute swim session. Instead, I got in the 45-minute run and did 30 minutes of strength on my own. It’s hard for me – a Type A Planner – to shake it off when I don’t do what’s on the training schedule. Mixed with my emotional state, it wasn’t a great day for me. = 75 minutes
Friday – 90-minute bike ride. Showed up to a 60-minute cycling class 30 minutes early. Followed by a 20-minute run. =110 minutes
Saturday – 2 hours on the bike. Showed up 45 minutes before an hour cycling class, then stayed 15 minutes after. = 120 minutes
TOTAL = 605 minutes = 10 hours, 5 minutes
Ahhh, no wonder! No wonder I was feeling tired the second half of the week! Didn’t realize it was going to add up to this much. Although cycling hours don’t feel as tough to me as running or swimming hours… (wait till I get outside on the hills, right??!)
- Swim – 140 minutes = 23%
- Bike – 370 minutes = 61%
- Run – 65 minutes = 11%
- Strength – 30 minutes = 5%
You’re amazing keeping to this schedule with also being a wife, mother, consultant, trainer, coach, author, daughter, friend, ETC!!!!