Cycling is improving my running! My long run this week felt great. My easy effort pace was about 20 seconds faster per mile than it usually is. Now it was a beautiful day to finally run outside, but let’s attribute it all to improved fitness due to cycling, shall we??!
What did not feel great were these stats the indoor cycling bike gave me after spending 2 and a half hours with it. 15. 8 miles and an average power of 52. I don’t think so! 🙂
Sunday – off
Monday – Swam 45 minutes: 1000m. Did the Below the Belt class. = 105 minutes
Tuesday – Swam 20 minutes continuous and then moved directly to biking. Showed up to cycling class 1/2 hour late soaking wet! Yikes, I had intended to be there on time, but a call ran later than I expected. I stayed after and got in my full 45 minutes. Later I ran 20 minutes, did all this at the gym. This day felt like a logistical back and forth, kept having snaffos and running short or tight on time. The day was frustrating and put me in a bad mood. = 65 minutes
Wednesday – Ran 35 minutes at gym in morning. = 35 minutes
Thursday – Biked 60 minutes at gym in afternoon by myself in cycling room. = 60 minutes
Friday – In afternoon was to do 1) swim + 2) run, in that order. Yet, I wanted to run outside and wanted to do so without wet hair. Plus I had an end of day client deadline and needed to keep trucking so I ran, worked, then went down to the pool to swim. The 80-minute run outside was awesome! Pretty easy effort and I averaged 9:38! I feel that usually that would be an effort that would average me 10 minute miles. Cycling is improving my running! I felt strong. Then I felt a wee bit tired in the pool as I did my 3 x 350m. = 125 minutes
Saturday – There was to be a day off before this workout, but it felt better in my Sat schedule than in my Sun schedule, so here we are! Biked 2.5 hours all in cycling studio. 1 hour am class + 15 minute, + 45 minute 9:15 class + 30 min then 20 minute run. Started off a little sluggish – yet then it exceeded my expectations. Ran 2 miles. Finished the first at 10:20 then ended up with 9:50 min average – so really picked up the pace in the second mile! Running strong! = 170 minutes
TOTAL = 560 minutes = 9 hours, 20 minutes
- Swim – 110 minutes = 20%
- Bike – 255 minutes 45%
- Run – 135 minutes = 24%
- Strength – 60 minutes = 11%
Amy, hope these beautiful Spring days make all of this a little more pleaasant 🙂 xox
Thanks Mary Jo! It’s fantastic to be biking and running outdoors! (And thanks so much for being a regular blog reader. I can’t tell you how much that means to me. 🙂