Sunday – Long swim! I didn’t sleep well and then slept in. Was slow to get out on the water. The kids wanted to be in the water with me. I waited for a while for my daughter to get back from errands with her Grandma and finally decided that I just needed to get going.
I jumped in with wet suit on and started the long swim. The main workout said 4 x 1000m, so I figured I could turn the GPS on my watch and swim to 2.5 miles, And I did!
One lap around the perimeter of the lake was about 1.2 miles. After a loop, I stopped to chat with my daughter, who was in the water by then, then continued on my way. I took a couple of pauses.
When my watch clicked off at 2 miles, I got emotional. I was going to be able to finish this. 7 months ago I couldn’t swim one length of the pool without getting breathless and panicky. And now I’m swimming 2.5 miles mostly bilateral! Yay! Progress. Did it in 1:42.
I figure I’ll probably end up swimming 2.5 miles in the race, since I’ll be on the outside trying to stay out of the frey. I’d be totally delighted if I could finish the swim portion of the race in 1:45-ish.
Dare I say I’m feeling good about swim??!? = 102 minutes
Monday – Had a swim session on the schedule. Woke up headachy and decided after yesterday’s swim that I could skip it.
Last week was the week to focus on the swim, this week is the week to focus on the run. (Next week = bike!)
After driving to Decatur, I did a 90-minute run in the heat! 90 degrees! Tried to go slow – certainly did by the end – yet still challenging to start off slow. Tried to find as much shade as possible. Cooled off twice at a drinking fountain. Average 10:30. = 90 minutes
Tuesday – Was planning to get up early and bike for 90 minutes while preparing for the day. No bike in the fitness center! Ugh! The hotel is associated with a fitness club (which I’ve used in the past), so I could head there tonight after the client dinner or tomorrow night after I drive back home. Not ideal. Yet seemed better than getting up at 4am, especially since my stomach was churning as I went to bed last night (after that run in the heat). Went to the client dinner and got back tot he hotel about 8pm. Geared myself up to go over to the fitness club. I was proud of myself for doing so. I started heading through the lobby and out of the hotel and I glace at the fitness club info displayed on the counter. They close at 9pm! What??! I can’t get in my 90-minute ride. Shit! I was ready to do it! Crap.
Oh well, regroup. Changed clothes and did a 30-minute run. Kept increasing speed throughout. Got out the frustration of all these logistics! Seriously! Living out of bags and figuring out new logistics every day is getting to me! Ran 3.07 in 30 minutes. = 30 minutes
Wednesday – Toyed with the idea of getting up at 4:00am to go over to the fitness club to do 90 minutes ride, but I didn’t get to bed early enough and did not feel good when the alarm went off at 4:40. So, after driving home to Chicago from Decatur, starting to unpack, sorting through the mail, feeding the cat, starting laundry, packing nutrition for the trip to my in-laws for the weekend, and changing clothes – I revved myself to go to my gym.
90 minutes in cycling center by myself. And I didn’t just spin easy. I did of course, multi-task, yet I also did strides every 8 minutes and did a couple of pieces of standing work. = 90 minutes
Thursday – Swim session: wu – 150m. main – 1950 ladder. I did some segments together and tried to keep a smooth stroke. There’s something I’m doing that twinges the right side of my neck, something about breathing on the left side! This took me about 70 minutes.
75 minute run, this felt great! When it cools off a few degrees to the 70s, you can feel the fitness you’ve built! (Unlike running in 90 degree heat, when you’re just trying to slog through). Average 10:13. = 145 minutes
Friday – 1 hour run. Nice run. Average 10:16.
2-hour bike ride. Making some loops on the roads by my in laws. Felt to me like I was getting some speed on some of the lightly rolling hills straight–aways. Had just over 15 miles completed at the end of the 1st hour! Near the end of the 2nd hour, I saw I was close and hammered the last bit to make it to exactly 2 hours, 30 miles. = 180 minutes
Saturday – Swapped Saturday and Sunday workouts to fit in workouts prior to our afternoon with friends.
Swim: Was to do a warm up and then 3 x 600m. So I decided to just jump in the lake, get in another session in my wetsuit, and do 2,000m or 1.25 miles. Got it done in 48 minutes. That seems pretty good to me!
Then 90-minute ride. Ran into another cyclist at an intersection and he helped me add a number of miles to the loop I was doing! Got me on a few hills and curves too! Thank you friendly cyclist! Went out 37 minutes, so then just had to tack on another short loop to get to 90 minutes. Legs felt tired on this ride. = 138 minutes
TOTAL = 775 minutes = 12 hours, 55 minutes
- Swim – 220 minutes = 28%
- Bike – 300 minutes = 39%
- Run – 255 minutes = 33%
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